Jan 8, 2011

Easy Breakfast Time

There is not a lot of time to bake in the morning and so here are a few things I do to make breakfast go a little smoother. On Saturday I make a big breakfast and then freeze enough to last for the rest of the week.

Pancakes: Make a bunch and lay them single layer on tinfoil on a cookie sheet. Put cookie sheet in freezer for 10-15 min. Then transfer to a zipper baggie or wrap in saran wrap and continue freezing until use. To reheat, warm in microwave until warm.
Waffles: I make the waffle mix and then keep it in the fridge. It will keep for about 5 days. Use as desired.
Sausage: Make a bunch of sausage patties and keep them in the fridge or put them in the freezer.
Cinnamon Toast: I use an empty cinnamon spice bottle and fill it ¾ sugar and ¼ cinnamon and we always have it ready to shake on buttered toast.
Omelets: I save any leftovers from making the Breakfast Burritos and use them to make the Omelets
Hot Cereal: Cracked Wheat, Cream of Wheat, Oatmeal. Follow directions on the bag. I add brown sugar and butter to taste. Then when I serve it I pour a little milk in the bowl over the top of the cereal.

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